Menopause Care

3 out of 5 females between the ages of 40 and 55 experience one or more of these perimenopausal symptoms:

  • Hot flashes, 
  • Vaginal dryness and discomfort, 
  • Mood changes: anxiety/depression, 
  • Negative impact on work and life, 
  • Low libido,
  • Sleep disruption 

However, most medical professionals do not know what to offer them? Or, worse, they are often told “It is normal at your age.” UGH!
There is NO reason to avoid the conversation! You are not alone! Many options exist to improve your quality of life.

I can help with:

  • Hormonal balance and testing
  • Bio identical hormonal therapy
  • Supplements
  • Prescription medications if needed and desired

Come in and find out more! You deserve it!